Delegate Information

2024 Delegate Participation

2024 Delegate Application 

Any delegate who sells $100 or more of tickets to assist in fundraising, will receive an additional $100 in addition to the budgeted delegate stipend. 

Service as a Delegate requires your participation. The duties of a Pennsylvania ENA Delegate include:

  1. Participation in the 2024 General Assembly online orientation and submission of the certificate to the delegate captain no later than the due date.
  2. Attendance for the entirety of the Delegate Meeting, in order to review and discuss the proposed Bylaw Amendments and Resolutions that will be presented at the General Assembly (in-person and virtual attendance accepted as available). Will be held on the evening of August 8th prior to our August 9th general meeting. 
  3. 100% attendance at the GA sessions at EN2024 in Las Vegas. 
  4. A commitment to work a minimum of one-half hour in the Pennsylvania State Council Booth in the Exhibit Hall. 
  5. You must wear the clothing/colors decided upon to all General Assembly sessions.

You will receive reimbursement for your incurred costs as a delegate to the Pennsylvania State Council. In order to receive these funds, you must fulfill all requirements and submit receipts and a reimbursement form to the PAENA Treasurer ( no later than 30 days after the close of EN24. The Pennsylvania State Council reserves the right to reduce reimbursement based on participation or not reimburse if all of the listed requirements are not fulfilled.

The State Council Officers reserve the right to verify any points/application with the applicant’s Chapter President.

Delegate applications are due NO LATER THAN JUNE 15, 2024.

You will be notified of your selection NO LATER THAN JUNE 30, 2024.

Please send all applications to Delegate Captain Bev Mueller at  AND Cheryl MacDonald Sweet at 

Please list your name and “Delegate Application” in the subject line

Zoom meeting information

Link will be provided once received. 

Certificate should be emailed to Bev upon completion.

From GA Captain Bev Mueller

Hi folks, GA is right around the corner. 

The General Assembly online orientation will be on ENA's website prior to the GA. . You will receive an email from the National office as well. All Delegates must complete this online orientation. We have almost three weeks to get this completed. It's not long and not difficult to complete. 
We have not been given the number of delegates allotted yet. 
We will have a virtual delegate meeting on August 8th at 7:30 pm.  There will be a virtual option if needed. Please look for emails with log in information prior to the event 
The GA handbook is on the website and everyone please review the bylaws and resolutions prior to our meeting and be ready to discuss how we should vote as a group. There is one Bylaw change and seven Resolutions to discuss. 
I'm old school so I printed the entire handbook, however you can have it on a laptop or Ipad or whatever way you wish to review this important information for our upcoming General Assembly. 
An important note for anyone just attending the General Assembly sessions, you must register for the conference to get your keypads. You can register to only attend the General Assembly but must register. If you don't register, you will not get a keypad. 
Once you have completed the General Assembly online orientation, make a copy of your completion certificate and either email it to me or bring it to General Assembly. 
We will figure out when to distribute shirts prior to GA. I hope to get to all the eve before when we are all registering at the Conference Center. 
For first time delegates, each state will have a sign locating where we will sit as a group. Dress should be business casual along with our Polo shirts. 
You will receive your stipend in the form of a check after the GA session is completed. We also take a group picture at the end of GA so please do not run off. 
To receive your full stipend, all must be present for the entire General Assembly. Please give the presenters your full attention. GA is not the time for correcting papers or looking thru emails or Facebook. I'm sad that I even needed to state that, but it has happened in the past and people have actually left GA to go shop and return!
Thanks so much for offering to represent Pennsylvania as a delegate this year. It's humbling to be part of the interworkings of our great organization.  I look forward to seeing you all in person. It's been a long time coming!!
Viva, Las Vegas!!