The PA State Council Board of Directors is challenging all 6 chapters in Pennsylvania to “Shine”. We are looking forward to a great 2024!
If the COVID years have taught us one thing – you do not have to drive miles to stay in touch. So attend your chapter and/or state meetings by being present (in person or virtual!)
Thank you to everyone who volunteered for a committee. If interested please reach out.
Being involved on a committee can give you a head start in leadership to learn about your chapter and/or state organization. We encourage all members to be active.
State meetings are held quarterly as listed.
Delegate orientation is a requirement for any member being a delegate to the National Conference in Las Vegas this year.
Your chapter should have reached out to you to inform you of the chapter activities and events, if not, please let us know.
We are working on redundant communication, use of the Website, mass emails, facebook, and/or twitter. Want to help? Let me know. All of the board members are using the G-suite emails, so please feel free to email them with any questions.
The President ( Jason Cruz ) can be reached at President@paena.net
We are looking forward to another amazing year and hope that you are staying healthy, happy, and safe.