The Pennsylvania State Senate plans to move Senate Bill 25 out of committee this morning, Monday, July 1.
This action results from a compromise that was struck to allow nurse practitioners to have Full Practice Authority in rural Pennsylvania. If the bill is passed and signed into law, Certified Registered Nurse Practitioners across Pennsylvania will be able to practice on their own in rural areas without entering into collaborative agreements with physicians. As you know, the ability to do so is key to patient care delivery.
Here's a summary of the bill:
SB 25 will modernize the Professional Nursing Law for Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs) who currently serve as Certified Registered Nurse Practitioners. It will expand access to high-quality health care by removing archaic restrictions on these APRNs that no longer reflect modern medicine and the delivery of health care. Under the bill, the State Board of Nursing is to establish an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse-Certified Nurse Practitioner (APRN-CNP) license in areas of expertise consistent with training and focus.
PSNA is calling on its members to take action today. Please reach out to your state senator to say that you support this bill. You can find your senator's contact information by clicking HERE and entering your address in the text boxes. When you click on your senator's name, typically you'll then see an email symbol/link so that you can email your SB 25 support message. If you do not see an email link on that screen, go one step further to the senator's website link, where you'll find a way there to send your message of support.
Or use the senator's listed phone number to call in your support. Don't give up!
Please, please do it NOW. Your advocacy for your nurse colleagues is critical.
PSNA thanks you for your help as we get close to the finish line on this SB 25 compromise!