2024 Award Nominations
Nominations are due August 31, 2024 please send to
Michigan Excellent Award in Emergency Nursing
Over thirty years ago, the Michigan Council of the Emergency Department Nurses Association (EDNA) proposed the development of an award that honored a Michigan emergency department nurse who excelled in emergency care. Marie Hand, an original Treasurer of the Michigan State Council, and the "Gray Ghost" of Detroit General and Detroit Receiving Emergency Departments, offered to provide a monetary award. This award was named in her honor, The Marie Hand Award. As years passed and Marie moved on to Florida and "Up North", the award name changed to the "Michigan Excellence in Emergency Nursing Award".
Nominate your friend, colleague, mentor, or manager to recognize their work in ENA and emergency nursing. Awardees must be a current ENA member and have an unrestricted nursing license. Awards will be presented to winners in their own hospitals during EN Week 2023, or as close as possible due to scheduling. Awardees will also be honored during the 2024 MENA Conference.
*** Michigan ENA Annual Awards ***
Criteria for nominees: Must currently practice in the field of emergency care (Examples, Flight nursing, ED staff, Educator, Manager, or Advanced Practice). They are a current member of ENA and a RN. This award honors a member of Michigan Emergency Nurses Association who exhibits passion, knowledge, skill, and professionalism in Emergency Care. This is a great way to recognize some of the many excellent providers of emergency care in Michigan. Send two letters of support.
Michigan Emergency Nurse Lifetime Achievement Award. Criteria for nominees: Must currently practice in the field of emergency care (Examples, Flight nursing, ED staff, Educator, Manager and Advanced Practice) and a seasoned member with significant contributions to ENA. This is a great way to honor those who serve patients and the emergency nursing community in Michigan. Send two letters of support.
We all know someone that has inspired us to become an emergency nurse or that has made us want to be a better emergency nurse. The Inspire Award is to celebrate those that inspire us to be more, to go beyond and serve our patients, our community, and our profession. Send two letters of support.
Honors a nurse who has consistently demonstrated excellence in the profession of emergency nursing as a formal leader and has made significant contribution through an emergency leadership role. This is a great way to recognize some of the many excellent leaders of emergency care in Michigan. Send 2 letters of support with at least one of the letters from a person the manager supervises or has led.
Not every manager is a good leader and not every leader is a manager or director. The nurse leader award recognizes a nurse who has consistently demonstrated excellence in the profession of emergency nursing and has made significant contribution to emergency nursing as a clinical leader. This is a great way to recognize a leader of emergency care in Michigan that does not have a leadership title. Send 2 letters of support.
Member and emergency nurse of less than 5 years that has worked to promote emergency nursing, ENA, and shows promise in ENA leadership. Send 2 letters of support.
2023 Award Winners
1981 Judy Wielock, RN, CEN
1982 Barbara Laubscher, RN, CEN & Mary Grba, RN
1983 Barbara Deneen, RN, CEN
1984 Sue Offenbecker, RN, CEN & Shari Levens, RN, CEN
1985 Joanne Schultz, RN, CEN
1986 Gail Haddad-Swensen, RN, CEN
1987 Sally Berglin, RN, CEN
1988 Ilene Fox, RN, CEN
1989 Marcia Altanta, RN, CEN
1990 Linda Klavon, RN, MSN, CEN
1991 Kathy Roberts, RN, BSN, CEN
1992 Connie Pardee, RN, MSN, CEN
1993 Sheri Veurink, RN, BSN, CEN
1994 Joanne McKay, RN, MSN, CEN & Diana Underhill, RN, BSN, CEN
1995 Marilyn Sprague, RN, BSN, CEN
1996 Janet O’Bear, RN, BSN, CEN
1997 Richard Herm, RN, BSN, CEN & Kathy Clarke, RN, BSN, CEN
1998 Penny Endres, RN, CEN
1999 Deborah Plotzke, RN, BSN, CEN
2000 Dan Andrews, RN, CEN & Terri Rohraff, RN, CEN
2001 Mary Jo Beggs, RN, CEN
2002 Diane Benson, RN
2003 Linda Hagland, RN
2004 Pat Manion, RN, MSN, CCRN, CEN
2005 Sue O’Brien, RN, MSN & Val Pietrik, RN
2006 Debra Cannatti, RN, BSN, CEN
2007 Maureen “Mo” Hutchinson, RN
2008 Gerri Muller, RN, MSN, NP, CEN
2009 Holly Bair, RN, MSN, NP, CEN & Carol Engelman, RN
2010 Debbie Gilmore, RN, MSN
2011 Marilyn Merkle, RN, BSN
2012 Heather Cooper, RN, BSN
2013 Mike Mooney, RN, BSN, CEN
2014 Stephanie Wilson, RN, BSN, CEN
2015 Michelle Most, RN, BSN, CC-EMT-P, EMT-P, SANE, DVNE, FN CSp
2016 Michael Martel RN, BSN
2017 Margaret Keehl MSN RN NP
2018 Wendi Brown MSN RN
2019 Mary Berry-Bovia, BSN, RN, CEN
2020 Laura White, RN, CEN, CPEN, TCRN, EMT-P
2021 Jacob Silva, BSN, RN & Chris Baker, MSN, RN, CEN
2023 Erica Doty, ADN, RN, CEN
2012 Kim Johnson, RN, BSN
2014 Brandi Uren, RN, BSN, CEN
2015 Joan Shimko, RN, BSN, CEN
2016 Jon Fairchild, MS RN CEN NE-BC
2016 Michele Carmen Murphy RN CEN
2018 Diane Simon MSN RN
2019 Jennifer Carpenter, RN, BSN, LSSBB and Christine Liebezeit
2020 Jac Getzinger, MSN, RN, TCRN & Leigh Grzywacz MHA, BSN, RN, CEN
2021 Andrea Del Vecchio, BSN, RN, SANE-A, SANE-P & Missy Rykse, MSN, RN, CNL, CEN
2023 Rachel Witgen, BSN, RN, SANE
2021 Gail VanStanton, BSN, RN, CEN
2022 Susan Beebe, BSN, RN, CEN
2023 Monica Smith, BSN, RN, CEN
2012 Brandy Soja, RN
2015 Brendan Franklin, RN, BSN, CEN
2016 Travis Szarenski RN BSN
2019 Vanessa Abi-Saab
2022 Victoria Guyton RN, BSN & Lindsey Sams RN, BSN
2012 Marilyn Sprague, RN, BSN
2013 Dianne Wren, RN, BSN, CEN
2014 Sheri Veurink-Balicki, RN, CEN, BSN
2015 Barbara Davis RN, BSN, CEN
2016 Kathleen Clark RN, BSN
2016 Gerri Muller RN, MSN, NP, CEN
2017 Chris Baker MSN RN CEN
2019 Mark Goldstein, MSN, RN, EMT-P I/C
2021 Sheila Meshinski, BSN, RN, CEN, CFN, SANE-A
2022 Kim Johnson RN, MSN & Marilyn Enriquez, RN, BSN
2023 Rebecca VanStanton, MSN, RN, CEN, CPEN, TCRN
2013 West Michigan Chapter
2014 Huron Valley Chapter
2018 Huron Valley Chapter
2021 Robert Wells, MBA, BSN, RN, CEN, TCRN
2023 Anita Glaser, MSN Ed, RN