
MDENA State Committees

We are always looking for members to join our committees! Keep an eye out for updates on committee goals, discussion and more!

- Government Affairs

- TNCC/Trauma 

- ENPC/Pediatric


Fundraising (Chair: Mandy)
This committee supports the MD ENA scholarship in memory of Emilie Crown and the ENA Foundation Member-Supported Master's scholarships through generous donations and fundraising for State Challenges and at the State and Chapter conferences. Be an active part of MDENA's success in providing scholarships to nurses in all levels of education. 

- Membership

- Education

- Delegate/General Assembly

- Historic Archive

- Elections/Nominations

- Nursing Practice 

Website/Social Media (Chair: Barb)
The website and social media committee is expanding every year! Join this committee if you have a special interest in social media and online promoting. MDENA is currently on Facebook, Instagram and Linked in. 

- Research Committee