Officers and Committees

2024 Maryland ENA Officers

Lena Sutch

State President

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Emily Dorosz

State President-Elect

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Hershaw Davis Jr

State Secretary

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Garrett Hall

State Treasurer

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Joshua Steward

MD Immediate Past President

Chris Parker
MD Board Liaison



2024 Maryland Committee Chairs



Mark Fisher

Trauma (TNCC) Chair

Kelly Williams

Pediatric (ENPC) Chair

Brittany Trent

Nurse Practice Chair

Anna Simons

Membership Chair

Lisa Tenney

Government Affairs Chair

Cynthia Wright-Johnson


Mandy Garrett-Baya

Fundraising Chair

Marketing Chair

Sandy Waak

Bylaws Review Chair

Lena Sutch

Education Chair

Amy McGrow

Sexual Assault Nurse Chair

William Taylor

Web & Social Media Chair

Delegate Assembly Chair

Shannon Rueda

Emerging Professionals Liaison


Tabitha Legambi

Research Committee Chair

Lisa Lisle

SEMSAC Representative