Committees and Chairs


Chair - Jamin Rankin

This committee facilitates resolutions and bylaws amendments to the ENA General Assembly.

Chair - Dawn McKeown
Co-Chair - Tammy O'Connor Baldwin & Hollye Briggs

This committee has the responsibility to recruit and monitor the ENA General Assembly delegate selection and BOD election process.  Committee members assist with review and revisions to application forms and assist in confirmation that all applicants meet the eligibility criteria.  The committee engages in member outreach to improve voter participation in National and State ENA elections.

Chair - Deb Spann
Co-Chair - Jolynn Parker

This committee facilitates the annual Education Conference.

Chair - Dawn McKeown
Co-Chair - Alan Cox

This committee monitors the dissemination of TNCC courses throughout the state and is a resource regarding trauma care throughout the state.

Chair - Jamin Rankin
Co-Chair - Tina Dauzat
This committee aims to provide subject matter expertise related to pediatric emergency care and to identify and recommend resources for the care of the pediatric patient in emergency care.  Oversight is provided in the administration of ENPC courses across the state.

Chair - Vickie Stagg
Co-Chair - Jana Kling
This committee assists the chairperson in implementing strategies to recruit and maintain ENA members across the state.  


Chair - Sarah McLelland-Mendoza
Co-Chair - Michael Dexter

This committee is dedicated to advancing the professional development of emergency nurses through targeted educational programs and initiatives.


Chair - Reed Douglas
Co-Chair - Ana DePuy

This committee oversees the various social media platforms of LA ENA (Website, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn).

Chair - Dawn McKeown
Co-Chair - Jamie Florentine

This committee supports initiatives that support the mission of the ENA Institute for Quality, Safety, and Injury Prevention (IQSIP). 
This committee is working with the Louisiana Emergency Response Network (LERN) to offer 'Stop the Bleed' information and training statewide.

Chair - Taylor Hinson
Co-Chair - Reed Douglas

This committee is informed on national and state-wide emergency nursing issues.  Committee members work to advance emergency nursing through interaction with state officials.  Committee members will be required to enroll in ENA 411 and instructs will be provided. This committee is planning for National's ENA Day on the Hill.  For more information, please use link on the home page. 

Chair - Missy Wafer
This committee recognizes ER nurses across the state at the annual Education Conference.  Committee members review applications for selection of awards recipients.