President - Elect
Will work with current president for the first year, then lead the organization for the second year. President - Elect will hold state council meetings and will work with the board to set goals and educational programs for the state. They will act as state captain for the general assembly held at the National conference. This position will answer questions from members and address any issues brought by National ENA. They will keep board and members updated. This position will take about 10 hours a month and may go higher at times.
Voting board member who is responsible for taking minutes during state board meetings and putting together the newsletters for the members. This position will take about 2 hours a month on average.
Voting board member who is responsible for paying bills for the state and submitting the financial report to National. They will collect money for state conferences and issue receipts. Average time is 2 hours a month, but will increase during state conferences.
Education Board Member
Voting board member who will be responsible for the state's conference. Setting up the conference, getting speakers, and writing CE’s. This is a new board position and time will depend on how many conferences are planned. Anticipate 30 hours of time for the conference preparations.
Social Media Board Member
Voting board member who will run the state chapter’s Facebook page and set up an Instagram account for the state council. We will be expecting a minimum of 2-3 postings a month.
Voting board member who will monitor courses held around the state and update instructors as needed. Address any instructor issues with instructor. Average monthly time will be about 1-2 hours.
Membership Board Member
Voting member who will send emails to new members to welcome them and to send reminders to members who are about to expire. It should take approximately an hour a month.
Government Affairs Chair
Will be responsible for participating in ENA national government affairs web cast. Update board and members of any pending legislation on state or national level that is important to ENA members. Average time 1-2 hours a month.