ENA Mentoring Program Guidelines


To participate in the ENA Mentoring Program, all mentors and mentees must be current ENA Members and enroll in the online program on ENA CONNECT. Once a mentor or mentee profile is established, individuals will have the opportunity to search the mentor/mentee database for matches based on the selected criteria. A mentee can then send an invitation directly to a potential mentor. Mentors may also send invitations to mentees.

For more information about the ENA Mentoring Program and how to sign up, please review these available resources. 

The success of your experience depends on the quality of the working relationship developed between the mentee and mentor. This is a shared accountability. Commitment and enthusiasm are vital to making the relationship a success.

Responding to Requests:
The mentor can then either accept or reject a mentoring invitation dependent upon their availability or if they feel they have the right expertise to fulfill the mentees' needs. It is recommended that a mentor responds to the initial request – either with a follow-up question or by accepting/rejecting – within 4 days of receiving the request. This helps the prospective mentee know if they need to seek out a new potential mentor.

Initial Meeting:
Once a mentor relationship has been accepted the first step is establishing expectations. The mentee is responsible for setting up the first discovery meeting (virtual or in-person) with the mentor. During this first meeting, the mentee will share more details about the type of support and time commitment they are seeking from a mentor. The mentor should be open and honest of if/how they see themselves supporting these goals. The mentor should also provide feedback if they are concerned that the timeline or goals are unrealistic. Adequate preparation by both parties before this first meeting is key to helping start the mentoring relationship off on the right foot. By the end of the first meeting, both parties should have discussed the initial thoughts on a mentoring agreement and outlined key milestones of the agreement, such as frequency of touchpoints, preferred communication method, and key deadlines if appropriate, etc.

Utilize the
 ENA Mentoring Program Initial Discovery Call Checklist.

Mentoring Agreement:
It is recommended that a mentoring agreement is drafted by the mentee following the initial conversation. This agreement does not need to be overly formal but should help bring clarity to the agreed upon goals and expectations and establish accountability for the relationship. It should also define the working relationship and anticipated timeline for completion. The mentor should review and provide any comments to the agreement to ensure each participant has clearly defined action items and plans for success. Adjustments to goals and priorities included in the agreement are natural due to the dynamic every changing healthcare environment. The agreement is to serve as a guidepost for the relationship and may be adjusted as needed throughout the relationship.

Utilize the ENA Mentoring Program Agreement

A survey will be emailed to the mentor and mentee at the completion of the relationship. This survey is an important element of the Mentoring Program, which will ask questions about your overall experience and the outcomes from your relationship. This data will help to improve the program and quantify its success and value to our members and ultimately emergency nursing.

Responsibilities of Mentors

What are the responsibilities of a Mentor?

As a mentor, you are an “experienced and trusted adviser” therefore it is essential that you:

  • Encourage and empower the mentee to work toward their individual objectives
  • Be a motivating guide for the mentee on their journey
  • Listen and ask questions that will challenge the mentee to identify the course of action they need to take towards their own development
  • Be an advocate and “sounding board”
  • Provide support and create a safe and trusting relationship with consistent honest and open feedback
  • Serve as a critical-thinking peer who encourages self-reflection
  • Be accessible and responsive
  • Be flexible
  • Share your wisdom and experiences, develop a new relationship, and deepen your skills as a mentor
  • Provide expert comment and analysis on the mentee’s work product as requested
  • Share informal networks and resources
  • Understand the importance of confidentiality and trust
  • Adhere to the ENA CONNECT Code of Conduct
  • Do NOT complete the work of the mentee

Share any concerns or feedback on improving the Mentoring Program with ENAConnect@ena.org.

Responsibilities of Mentees

What are the responsibilities of a Mentee?

As a mentee, you are seeking the advice or support of a trusted advisor or expert, therefore it is essential that you:

  • Be the owner of the mentoring relationship and set the agenda
  • Have a general idea of the objectives you would like to accomplish through the mentoring program
  • Seek out an appropriate mentor who can help support your individual mentoring objectives
  • Be open and receptive to feedback
  • Ask questions and proactively engage your mentor
  • Clearly outline expectations with your mentor
  • Be accessible and responsive
  • Be respectful of your mentor's time and ideas
  • Develop a new relationship, and deepen your skills
  • Request comment and analysis on projects as needed, but within the scope of the mentor agreement
  • Do NOT request your mentor to complete your work
  • Adhere to the ENA CONNECT Code of Conduct
  • Understand the importance of confidentiality and trust

Share any concerns or feedback on improving the Mentoring Program with ENAConnect@ena.org.