Please join us for the 2024 Inaugural Ohio EMS for Children Conference. Children have unique needs requiring specialized emergency care. The keynote speaker, Joseph Wright, MD, MPH, FAAP, chief health equity officer for the American Academy of Pediatrics, will discuss how health equity and disparities impact pediatric emergency care. Additional subject matter experts will explore how best to provide high-quality emergency care for children. There will be an Ohio EMSC Clinical Saves Award Program over lunch, followed by breakout sessions in the afternoon. Attendees can choose from sessions including a Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) certification/recertification option, low-cost and novel education methods and skills assessment, burn management, disaster readiness, neonatal resuscitation, and quality improvement in the ED and pre-hospital settings.
Intended Audience
Health care personnel involved in pediatric emergency care, such as pre-hospital/EMS providers and emergency department teams, including technicians, nursing staff, advanced practice providers and physicians
Keynote Speaker
Joseph Wright, MD, MPH, FAAP, Chief Health Equity Officer for the American Academy of Pediatrics
Pediatric Topics Will Include:
Ohio EMSC Pediatric Clinical Saves Award Program
The Ohio EMSC Pediatric Clinical Saves Award Program is our opportunity to recognize and honor the EMS and ED teams who have exemplified clinical excellence during a pediatric encounter. Critically ill and injured children present with unique challenges that are often emotionally charged situations. This is our opportunity to pay tribute to those teams who have exceeded their traditional day-to-day duties and provided outstanding service to a pediatric patient, and their family and community.These awards focus on pre-hospital and emergency department teams whose actions yielded a positive outcome for a critically ill or injured child in Ohio during 2023.The 2023 awards will be presented at the inaugural Annual Ohio EMS for Children Conference on March 1, 2024.