Presently, there are over 500 Registered Nurses in the CTENA Membership


CTENA is a group of dedicated, professional Registered Nurses that work or support the specialty of emergency nursing. Our focus is:

Improving patient care.
Promoting the profession. 
Providing quality continuing education opportunities.
Supporting nursing research.
Public Safety Programs.

The CTENA leadership consists of voluntary members that strive to make this organization fulfill the needs of the Emergency Nurse in Connecticut.

Members are asked to provide input by attending meetings or contacting the board through this website.

Interested in becoming an ENA member? 

Click Here


CTENA provides educational opportunities, our "Education Page" consists of several pages dedicated to local & other opportunities available which include:

  • ASCEND: CTENA's annual event
  • NERS: New England Regional Symposium, this annual event rotates through the 6 New England states.
    State Meetings: check the meeting schedule, some include educational offerings TNCC ENPC